7 Ways to Make Money Online without a College Education in 2019

With the new year now looming, 2019 can be an excellent year for you if you figure out how to win in this internet game and manage your time. We’ve offered plenty of great insights in the past for creating your income. But we thought we’d speak to people out there who either didn’t go to college or who just don’t think a four-year degree is a right thing for them.

Even though it’s still considered the thing to do after high school (to go to college), there are plenty of alternatives.

In fact, some of the wealthiest people on earth didn’t go to a traditional college. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, two gurus of technology, both attended an Ivy League school for a short period. But they quickly realized that it was not for them. Gates dropped out after his first semester and Steve Jobs after only a few months, after figuring out that college did not have what he needed to make his mark in the world.

In light of this fact, let’s look at some of the things that you can look into if you decide that college is not the right path for you. Below are seven exciting and valid ways to make money, if you are devoted to the tasks.

1. Learn a skill then teach it to others.

The internet is full of information seekers. Trying to capitalize on this just requires learning a skill better than anyone else and then showing others how you did it. Of course, you should only focus on skills that help your business idea or pursuit, whether you plan to teach it to others or not. Pick something that interests you and one that you have a passion for. Perhaps it’s a hobby that you’ve always wanted to learn more about, a skill that will open up more opportunities for growth, or something that will make your life better. Then master this skill and create a course for Udemy.com or another online learning portal. You may be the next Seth Godin or Neil Patel.

2. Become an Amazon sales guru.

Amazon is the biggest online retail store in the world. Its global reach and unique high-tech marketing ability surpass all of the rest. This means that you can access millions of people per day who are interested in your products that you can offer by becoming a Amazon seller. Of course, you need to do your product research, look for private label items and set up wholesale relationships with dealers. But it just may be worth it. Some Amazon sellers see a profit of $10,000-$400,000 per month. Yes, I said, per month! I’d say it’s worth a try, wouldn’t you?

3. Start a consultancy business.

Do you have a talent in a certain area? Are you a former mechanic, web designer, or teacher? If you have spent a lot of time and have been successful in a certain area, people want to hear from you to help them grow their business. Internet consultancy is a very lucrative business that can provide a large potential income and it can serve to increase your credibility online. Once you have a reputation in the online world, you can do other things, too that can lead to even better opportunities.

4. Get into affiliate marketing.

If you have always wanted to learn more about affiliate marketing, you may want to make 2018 the year you do it. Internet affiliate marketing can be done quickly and easily by incorporating your affiliate links within your blogs, websites, and other content including videos on YouTube and social media. By advertising your affiliate’s products in multiple markets, you will increase your reach and potential audience so that you can maximize the impact you have on your target audience. On the other side of the coin, if you are building your brand, you can also be a producer of affiliate links and get other publishers (web owners) to boost and promote your products in this way, resulting in higher sales for your original products. You can start learning more about this money-making opportunity by visiting clickbank.com to get started.

5. Become an independent contractor for creative jobs.

If you are a creative type, writers, designer, or any number of other types of developers, try looking into becoming an independent contractor for a design firm, writing client network, or content site. There are many different types of jobs you can get as an independent contractor so think about what you do well and develop your skills. Then do a search for freelance sites that specialize in recruiting experts in your field. You’ll be surprised how much income you can generate this way. As an independent contractor, you are in business for yourself, so you will need to report all of your earnings yourself on your income tax forms.

6. Write eBooks.

Solomon once said, “Of the making of books, there is no end!” Writing eBooks is a great way to create a passive income for yourself, whether you have a company you are building or not. Writers and business owners alike can benefit from tapping into this potentially lucrative way to generate extra cash and revenue. Amazon Kindle is a great platform to start with but you can also publish on multiple platforms using tools such as Smashwords.com and others. Using these other sources can help you get your book out to more vendors including some real-world bookstores, thereby expanding your reach beyond the virtual environment.

Whether you are an aspiring writer who wants to be known for your ideas and stories, or a business owner looking to increase your online reputation and credibility, you’ll find that writing an eBook may be just the thing to push your following over the top. Everyone who’s anyone “has a book,” it is said, even if it has yet to be written!

7. Start an online business.

Most of our readers are entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs. If this describes you, you will probably want to focus on creating and fine-tuning your business in 2018. If you already know what you want to do your business about, great! If not, brainstorm ideas now so that you can launch your new business in the new year.

If you don’t have the money or inspiration to get started with an online business, you should definitely consider the opportunities that lie within blogging. Take a look at these successful bloggers who were able to build a brand and following of their own thanks to blogging. Each of them are unique in their own way, and are now earning millions of dollars online in the process!


Follow your efforts

If you decide that college will not provide the background you need as a business owner, you can try some of these methods to launch out on your own. There are certain careers that require a college education but most entrepreneurs are not academia-oriented. They tend to be independent thinkers who are daring enough to strike out on their own and rewrite the book on success.

Many of our founding fathers were entrepreneur in the United States. They set a standard for the country that is still a good role model for us today. You should always follow your passion but also your efforts. If you focus on where you want to spend most of your time, you will find it easier to make money from your business idea. Get to know your audience and what they want. Then build it for them. You’ll be amazed at the results when you focus on what value you can bring to your customers.

We hope that these seven tips might serve as some form of inspiration to our readers in the coming new year. It’s never too late to look for opportunities that may end up bringing more money, friends, and opportunities into your life.

It all starts with one step. Start brainstorming ideas on what you want to focus on when you start your business. The beginning of something is always the hardest. Once you take the first steps in creating and registering your business, the rest will seem easy by comparison.

Every day is important. Don’t waste time on trivial tasks like creating “to do” lists that you won’t follow. Do create “to do” lists but make sure most of your functions focus on the goals you want to achieve in the future.

Have a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year in 2018 and may you find that 20% of your efforts will result in 80% of your profit!